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Tie in a few strands of Polarflash on top of the rabbit fur strip tail. Then tie in a long strip of rabbit fur at the tail. Wrap this strip forward in nesting turns (side-by-side; not overlapping) to form a hair collar. Stroke the rabbit fur towards the rear of the fly after each turn - it doesn't hurt to moisten your fingers slightly with a bit of water as you do this. I like to keep a small cup of water near the vise anytime I'm tying with rabbit fur. If the fur gets out of hand, a little water can help but be careful not to overdue it, or the fur will tangle.

Continue to wrap the strip all of the way to the hook eye. Tie off the fur strip, then lash the trimmed end down neatly and form a small thread head. Whip finish the thread and trim.

Create a small head using the Pearl color E-Z Shape Sparkle Body. You can also lacquer the head using any traditional head cement.

The finished fly. I've added an eyeform to each side of the head using the Pure Fluorescent Yellow and Pure Black colors of E-Z Shape Sparkle Body, but the fly works well even without the eyes.


Squeeze the bottle slowly to apply the E-Z Shape Sparkle Body. Give the bottle a few shakes now and then during application. Since the Sparkle Body will shrink a little as it cures, coat your fly a little thicker than you think you need to. A bodkin will help to distribute the material once it is on the hook, and a rotary vise helps in working with this product. Keep the bottle capped when not in use! This product will not harden in the bottle, but if you leave it uncapped too long, the tip may clog. If it does, simply grasp the tip with your fingers, or a pair of pliers, and pull it from the bottle. Push out any clog that has formed from the inside with a fly tying bodkin. Replace the tip, and you're back in business. Clean up E-Z Shape Sparkle Body with water while it is still wet. Once it's dry, it's permanent. Be careful! This is a non-toxic product, but once it has cured, E-Z Shape Sparkle Body may be stuck for good to your vise, bench, or your spouse's new dining room table!

Angler: Chris Windram

This big bass ate a bunny fly at Menemsha, Massachusetts. Photo: Glen Mikkleson


Use this fly whenever gamefish are triggered into striking by prey movements. Small herring that wiggle enticingly, squid which dart quickly, and other prey that make dramatic movements in the water are imitated well by bunny flies. The fly fishes best when it has absorbed water - this only takes a minute or two, but the fly should be well soaked before you show it to an important fish. Once well-soaked, the fly presents a beautiful three-dimensional silouette in the water. Don't be surprised if fish grab the fly on the pause between strips during the retrieve... rabbit fur has so much movement in the water that it continues to move even when the angler is not manipulating the fly.

Tight Lines, and good fishing.

Chris Windram

Find the materials you'll need to tie this and lots of other saltwater flies in our Saltwater Fly Tying Materials Catalog.

Remember to print out this page to take with you to your vise.

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