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Soft Hackle Streamer Fly - Gartside's Soft Hackle Streamer - SaltwaterFlies.com

Soft Hackle Streamer

Soft Hackle Streamer

The "Soft Hackle Streamer" is a is a classic fly originally designed by the great Jack Gartside. This version has been tied for us by Dave Skok, and is such a great fly for striped bass, snook, baby tarpon, and all sorts of other fish. Soft marabou gives maximum action in the water, and the barred feathers add a subtle touch of lifelike patterning to this beautiful fly.

Soft Hackle Streamer	$6.95/ea

#2 White  Add to Cart
#2 Chartreuse  Add to Cart

These "Gartside" Soft Hackle Streamer flies are tied on Tiemco 800S hooks #2. The size #2 fly is approximately 3 1/4 inches (9 cm) long. A real "old school" classic tied by Dave Skok.

Striped Bass on the Rocks

A Good One

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