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Striper Slider Special (Scott's Slider) - SaltwaterFlies.com

Striper Slider Special / Scott's Slider

Striper Slider

This style of "deer hair slider" is one of our most important flies for striped bass. Many tiers have worked on the "Snake Fly" style of fly, but our good friend Scott Patterson has an eye for making some of the nicest ones that we have ever seen, and our fly is tied to his specs. Mr. Patterson aptly describes the motion of the this fly in the water as a "tantalizing fish-catching action!". This bouyant fly fishes near the surface, making a fish-attracting wake. Not just for stripers, the Striper Slider Special is plenty attractive to snook, redfish, peacock bass, largemouth bass, and other ambush feeders as well.

COLORS:             SIZES: #1/0        PRICE: $6.95/ea
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Fish the Striper Slider Special for striped bass day or night - this is one of our top patterns for night fishing stripers in New England. Fish the fly slowly in areas of moderate current, on beaches and in rocky locations...sometimes the slowest crawl of a retrieve is the answer to fooling large bass. The bouyancy of this fly allows it to be fished effectively above grass beds, boulders, and mussel beds. Always be ready for big fish - some of the heaviest striped bass we catch each year fall to this fly...check out this beauty taken on the Striper Slider Special! The Striper Slider Special is tied on Mustad's 34007 stainless steel saltwater fly hook. Tied by Blake Davis.

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413 274-6143 * Fax 413 274-0145

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